17 Apr Happy Easter 2018
Dear Friends,
We wish you all a Happy Easter from the Associazione Amici di Adwa which this year turns 20!
There will be the time to celebrate for all those years in which never missed your help to the Adwa mission, in which we could raise so many children, educate lots of young and encourage the local economy.
We really hope that it can also be the year of starting of the new hospital’s first wing.
In this moment, the progress of the work (there’s only the sewer to complete) and the government approval strongly depend on the arrival of new funds and on bureaucracy.
We still remember when Sister Laura presented the new project, in the Easter letter of 10 years ago:
“ There are too many maternal or neonatal deaths. Too many cases of disable women and children caused by serious infections, brain damage and permanent handicaps.
Dear friends, would you like to join us in this new adventure in favour of life?
Over the years we have experienced the miracles that your generosity is able to accomplish. So, in this Easter 2008, the feast of Lord Resurrection in which we celebrate life, I still hold my hand asking your contribution to this new project.
May the Lord thank you in our name and give you His blessing.”
Today we must thank for that many contributions to the project and for the wonderful volunteers we have met during this trip!
The dream is very near.