26 Jan Medicines and peace for Tigray
The lack of medical treatment, including medicine and medical equipment, is very concerning in the north of Ethiopia.
Also Kidane Mehret Hospital is facing this emergency since autumn 2021, when trucks and flights were prevented from bringing medical aid and fuel into Tigray region.
Read “Dwilling medical supplies in northern Ethiopia prevents health workers from aiding those in need” on International Red Cross website.
The Nobel Commettee asks its laureate Abiy to end war: in a rare comment, the Norwegian commettee expressed its “deep concern” about the conflict and said “Abiy bore special responsibility for bringing to an end the fighting” – read more
On January, 26, the first good news: the first flight with medicines for hospitals arrived in Mekelle! Read the article
We really hope that Kidane Mehret Hospital in Adwa will be reached by these new supplies!
Get involved: donate now medical cares in KM Hospital!