Medical activity in September & October 2016

Medical activity in September & October 2016

It is always with great admiration that we publish the report from the doctors volunteering in the temporary clinics of the Adwa mission.

Our THANKS to them and to all our collaborators!


In 2016, ASPOS was in Adwa from 24 September to 29 October.

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The group included:

Giampaolo Fasolo, Leda Signori, Vittorio Rossi, Loredana Zorzi, Fernando Gaion, Marzia Del Santo, Alberto Granata, Alberto Villacara, Giuseppe Marinaro, Alice Bertoldo, Stefania Vagni, Agnese Facco, Nives Stocco, Samantha Tistoni, Serena Santi, Monica Bombarda, Erika Ghidoni, Marina Parenti, Carolina Paltrinieri, Pasquale Roberto, Eugenio Campagna, Lucia D’Urzo, Amanuel Brhane , Gerardo Gatto, Sister Pauline, Sister Betty.

There was a constant increase in the medical-surgical activities:

  • 1111 visits
  • 566 check-ups and dressings
  • 84 surgeries
  • 63 electroencephalograms (thanks to the presence, for the first time ever, of a neurologist and neurophysiopathology technician)
  • 340 lab tests
  • 12 electrocardiograms


This increase in requests clearly demonstrates the need and urgency to provide increasingly better services through the new hospital, given the shocking severity of many of the cases.

After a hiccup in receiving materials due to customs issues, work on the hospital’s building complex is picking back up: electrical materials arrived while we were there and the materials for floors, ceilings and doors are expected to arrive by the end of the year.

The architect, Angelo Dall’Acqua, was with us. We met with the supplier for the instruments for sterilisation, the operating theatres, and the ICU. The door and window supplier also came. We began digitalising patient records using a draft program written by Daniele.

We then drafted a development plan for the building, equipment, and staff with an initial quick execution step, a follow-up step, and a final step.


The first step involves transferring everything that is currently done in the temporary facility into the new building, moving whatever material is already there and integrating it with minimal yet essential equipment to raise the quality level:

• A radiological device

• Two laboratory devices to examine thyroid function and run blood tests

• A blood bank

An internist, an anaesthetist, a surgeon and a laboratory technician have already given their availability to begin the work with continuity; others have offered to continue. Already at this step, scheduled specialist operations (Surgery, Gynaecology, ENT, Urology, etc.) will be possible, thanks to there being beds available for patients that must be hospitalised.

This step will be implemented in 2017. Sister Laura will start the procedures to federally accredit this initial Day Hospital and Day Surgery facility.


The second step will definitively instate radiology, sterilisation, operating theatres, post-operative ICU, kitchen, laundry room, transfusion centre.

This step is expected to be implemented by 2018.

The third step will develop based on the availability of personnel and means.

Now more than ever, contributions from individuals, businesses, foundations, associations, and clubs are essential in order to purchase medical equipment! Contact us to donate to this amazing project that is becoming a reality!


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