27 Oct Help us
Donate online with a credit card through this site.
Make a bank transfer to our accounts at the Cassa di Risparmio di Cento bank, made out to Associazione Amici di Adwa:
- for long-distance adoption: IBAN IT12 E 06115 23400 000001355063 BIC/SWIFT CRCEIT2C
- for a hospital for Adwa project: IBAN IT71Q0311123400000000000437 – BIC/SWIFT BLOPIT22
- to donate an amount of your choice: IBAN IT69 C 06115 23400 000001355930 BIC/SWIFT CRCEIT2C
Remember to enter your personal information (name, surname, address) in the reason for the bank transfer so we can send you a receipt for your donation.
Donate with a postal payment slip: made out to “Amici di Adwa Onlus”, via Matteotti 8, 44042, Cento, CCP 48884936.
Check the legislation in force in the country where you reside.
If your fiscal residence is in Italy:
deduct your donations from your taxes: “Amici di Adwa” is a non-profit organisation enrolled in the Non-Profit Organisation registry under protocol no.73220 dated 12 December 2000 of the Emilia Romagna Internal Revenue Service General Direction.
As such, donations made to us may be tax deductible. However, remember that you can only deduct your donation if it is made through a bank or post office, using a credit card or prepaid card and you keep the receipt or bank statement showing the payment made.
For donations made starting in 2018 by individuals and businesses, the absolute limit for tax deductions has been raised.
- Individuals: can detract 30% of the amount (up to €30,000) or .
- Businesses: can deduct the amount from the business income
If your fiscal residence is in the U.S.A.
You can have tax deduction making donation (cash or checks) to:
Sr. Margaret Wilhelm, FMA
Missionary Society of the Salesian Sisters
Provincial Offices
655 Belmont Avenue
Haledon, NJ 07508-2301
If your fiscal residence is in Canada
You can have tax deduction making donation (cash or checks) to:
Pierre Larocque
Les Soeurs Salesiennes
Montreal Office
9299 Ave. Pierre de Coubertin
Montreal, Quebec H1L 2H6
Please always specify as payment cause:
Kidane Mehret Maternity & Surgical Hospital – Adwa, Tigray, Ethiopia
If anyone wants to send funds by wire transfer they should contact:
• Canada: Pierre Larocque at 514-351-0240 or salesiennesmanager@gmail.com
• United States: Sr. Margaret Wilhelm at 973-790-7965 or sececonomer19@gmail.com