20 June 2022-World refugee day
We'd like to share the report showing the dramatic conditions of IDP camps (Internally Displaced People) in Adwa...
20 June, 2022
We'd like to share the report showing the dramatic conditions of IDP camps (Internally Displaced People) in Adwa...
The lack of medical treatment, including medicine and medical equipment, is very concerning in the north of Ethiopia. Also Kidane Mehret Hospital is facing this emergency since autumn 2021, when trucks and flights were prevented from bringing medical aid and fuel into Tigray region. Read "Dwilling medical...
We want to let all know the report published by Amnesty International on August 2021. The report, ‘I Don’t Know If They Realized I Was A Person’: Rape and Other Sexual Violence in the Conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia, reveals how women and girls were subjected to sexual...